How We Work

Our Approach

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Once we have agreed on your strategy, we will schedule regular reviews to ensure that your investments and our services continue to meet your needs and circumstances. 

This review service consists of a bi-annual report on the progress of your investments and an annual meeting to review your investments and circumstances.

Financial Planning

Financial planning is the art of identifying goals throughout life and ensuring that there is sufficient wealth to provide for those goals.  Many of us cannot see the wood for the trees and it helps to discuss financial objectives with those professionally empowered to provide advice.

Once an objective or objectives have been determined we will work with our clients on pathways so that these may be achieved.  This requires an understanding of present and expected future circumstances along with the world at large; as circumstances and environments change so the advice about and management of your wealth must adapt to achieve the objectives.  The ultimate aim is simply peace of mind.  

Longbon & Company’s mantra: “We would have failed if money worries were to prevent our clients from sleeping soundly at night.”

Investment Management

Successful investment management must work in tandem with financial planning. Once goals have been identified we will work with you to achieve these goals through a disciplined and proven investment management process. 

Through a series of meetings, discussions and monitoring we will develop a thorough understanding of your particular circumstances, your approach to risk, your capacity for loss (investment values do go down as well as up) and work with you to produce an investment portfolio tailored to your requirements and circumstances that can meet your goals at the minimum level of risk necessary. 

You might seek capital growth, income or a combination of both. You might have particular tax circumstances. Whatever your situation, your portfolio will be designed to meet your investment objective: we will invest in those assets which we consider are the most appropriate to achieve success. 

The investment universe seems almost infinite: we investigate, research and recommend assets from the widest possible universe. This is the advantage of being truly independent. There is no ‘best buy’ list which, so often, serves the adviser more than the advised. 

Multi-Award Winning Independent Financial Services Firm

Our Portfolios

In contrast to many of our peers, we design our own model portfolios which use our best ideas generated from our many years of experience, from our independent research and from engagement in the investment world. The portfolio design is set within a disciplined and rigorous investment framework.

As a small firm we are able to select from the widest investment universe; we do not have ‘Best Buy’ lists, nor do we have a limited panel of ‘approved’ investments which would severely limit your investment choices. This provides our clients with flexibility within their investment choices, demonstrating our ‘client-first’ approach.

For more information about our bespoke approach, click below.

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